FPT Software recently announced the release of Citus™ Cloud Load Test 2.0 on AWS Marketplace with improved features including authentication testing and POST method.
The tool’s new authentication testing gives users the ability to test the performance of secure and internal systems which require user authentication/ verification for proxy bypassing, e.g. an intranet website or an internal knowledge system. Both window and web authentication are supported by Citus™ Cloud Load Test 2.0.
With the goal of broadening & deepening the test scope for users, Citus™ Cloud Load Test 2.0 adds the POST method testing, which allows assessing of the complete log-in & user registration to a webpage. This aims to help users check the performance & effectiveness of their webpage’s POST methods.
Aside from the enhanced features of authentication & POST method testing, Citus™ Cloud Load Test is also proved to be “more friendly” for JMeter. Users can now upload their own customized Jmeter file (.jmx) to run on the tool instead of filling in Citus™ Cloud Load Test’s standard forms. Test results are found in the reports in forms of downloaded raw data (.jtl)
“The upgrades of Citus™ Cloud Load Test are to cover the key features as requested by users and to catch up the mainstream of the international market movement. This tool provides the needful functionalities to comprehensively evaluate customer web-application, whether they be public or secure.” said Mr.Le Hong Viet – FPT Software Chief Technology Officer.
Citus™ Cloud Load Test, a component of Citus™ Cloud Suite, is a powerful yet affordable and on-demand test tool that allows simulating up to 100,000 of concurrent users (CCU) to create, schedule, and run performance tests with comprehensive reports through a single Web-based portal. This product, with the main features of Test Management, Schedule Management, User Management and Report Management, is based on and compatible with JMeter and optimized for AWS. The Citus™ Cloud Load Test comes in two versions: the free one of 200 CCU and the paid ones of 1000, 2000 and 5000 CCU. The upgraded features are available on the paid versions.
Interested individuals can enjoy the new offering today on the AWS Marketplace at the following link:http://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00MR4JE8Q/ref=srh_res_product_title?ie=UTF8&sr=0-2&qid=1408650432584
For additional information about Citus™ Cloud Load Test, please contact us via: http://citusload.fpt-software.com/contact.html