Joining FPT Japan (FJP) from January 2015, Mr. Kotaro.Maeno (45 years old) has quickly asserted his power through the position of Cloud Consulting Manager – spearhead technology of FPT in Japan with his experience at major IT companies in Japan, especially Microsoft Japan and AWS Japan. Since joining FPT, Mr. Maeno has represented the company as speakers sharing our Company’s experience in Cloud technology as well as the company’s services and experiences at several events such as Cloud Days Japan 2015, Cloud EXPO, AWS Summit, Microsoft Enterprise Seminar, and Microsoft FEST 2015 etc.

Majored in Big Data in the past, Mr. Maeno shared:” Big Data has a big connection with Cloud. Big Data is the key to the most precise answers to various issues. Applying Big Data through the use of Cloud technology will save companies huge resources in efforts and finance.”
Mr. Maeno is now, writting a book about the AWS cloud. This book will be free on AWS and is expected to answers various issues on the topic i.e., computing, database, network, programming, etc.
Sharing about the reason for joining FPT, Mr. Maeno said: “Japan is currently experiencing problems with low birth rates and an aging population, while Vietnam has a young population with bright future ahead. I want to pass on knowledge and experience for the next generation. By working at FPT, my colleagues and I have more conditions to contribute for the IT sector, not only in Vietnam, Japan, but on a global scale”.
About FPT’s opportunity in Japan, Mr. Maeno said: “In the Japanese market, there are still plenty of rooms for FPT to explore. And FPT also possesses huge resources and capabilities in Cloud technology.”
And finally, Mr. Maeno shared his feeling about working at FPT: “I am proud to be working for FPT. I love FPT culture, because it is like a big family, there is also a lot of support when needed with no barrier or distance.”