On June 24th 2016, FPT Japan will host a seminar in the series of events of Microsoft World Wide at the headquarter of Microsoft Japan with Microsoft and Atled. At the event, FPT will showcase its solution for Note Migration which supports the complete migration services from Lotus Notes platform to Microsoft’s Cloud or on-premises platforms.
The event features Microsoft’s introduction of the latest version of Office 365 – the Microsoft ultimate business package with Microsoft Office applications together with other communication and supporting tools such as Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, etc. Atled will also showcase its latest Workflow solution at the event.
Attending the seminar, participants will not only have the opportunity to learn more about the showcased technologies but can directly interact with experts on the field with their opinions or demands.
Also, the sequence of events of Microsoft World Wide will feature various other topics such as Azure Machine Learning – Solution Template, Intra-mart or Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V, which will all be held on June 2016.
People interested on the seminar can register or view more information at https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032780127&Culture=ja-JP&community=0 (Japanese only)