As the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, FPT Software has a heightened awareness of its potential impacts and is taking additional measures to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, and partners while maintaining business continuity.
Our Principles:
1. The health of FPT Software’s employees, their families, clients, and partners is our primary concern. We place this principle ahead when we make any decision during this challenging time.
2. To aim for the customer business continuity, FPT Software is stepping up to improve the company’s overall capabilities. As a global tech company, we expand access and capabilities in two high-priority categories of tech: Digital workplace resources and digital technologies to ensure our people have the systems they need to stay productive. FPT Software has upgraded our IT systems e.g. online collaboration platforms, network capacity, and security training to prepare for the growing demand for remote work.
An Emergency Response Team (ERT) has been set up and directed by our Senior Executive Vice President Nguyen Khai Hoan. This task force is responsible for (1) Risks identification, (2) Risk management including Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and (3) Preventive Care Policy. The ERT also helps communicate the latest information and company policies regarding Covid-19 to all customers, employees and other key stakeholders. In all of its decisions, the ERT strictly follows and acts according to the regulations of the Public Health authorities.
Our Key Preventive Measures:
1. Replace the in-person attendance with virtual experiences such as video and call conferences to reduce business travels and public gatherings while staying connected with our clients and teams.
2. Enhance office protocols to keep our work environment safe and healthy. FPT Software urges employees not feeling well to work from home, among other measures. Our workspaces have been regularly deep-cleaned and sanitized with visual reminders of personal hygiene best practices being displayed at multiple locations.
3. Require all FPT Software employees to frequently update their health status via the company mobile application myFPT.
4. Provide body temperature screenings at all office entries. Place hand rubs in multiple locations or at conference rooms to encourage hand hygiene. Ensure that adequate supplies of soap and alcohol-based hand rubs are provided and maintained in the workplace.
5. Advise employees to check themselves for symptoms of acute respiratory illness before travels and notify their supervisor and stay home if they feel sick.
6. Ensure employees who become sick while travelling or on temporary assignments understand that they should promptly notify their supervisor and call a healthcare provider for advice if needed.
7. As a global IT firm, we encourage our employees not to make assumptions about the possibility of infection based on race, ethnicity, national origin or disability, but rather, make it based on objective information provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and prominent public health authorities.
The main purpose of these actions is to keep a calm and rational approach towards the COVID-19 outbreak. We also encourage our employees to stay positive and informed so they could respond properly upon any unexpected circumstances that may happen in the future.