Born in 1990, Nguyen Ngoc Thuan – FPT Software Senior Sharepoint Specialist – is the youngest Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) in the history of Microsoft.
Before joining FPT, Thuan started his career in an US start-up, specializing in providing SharePoint solutions. The main reason why he eventually decided to work for FPT was because of its mission to bring Vietnam intellectuality into the global market and the plenty-opportunity-environment for technology experts. He found himself synergetic in the direction of FPT towards Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Mobility, and felt that the company had a great competitive advantage in the SharePoint area.
SharePoint has been as a key technology skill within FPT for 10 years since the first version in 2003. Through various million-dollar projects for global customers and being Microsoft Gold Certified Partner since 2006, FPT nowadays has a team of 500 professionals on SharePoint area with broad experience.
Currently, Thuan is researching on how to gradually integrate SharePoint with Microsoft’s Cloud Computing services such as Office 365 and Microsoft Azure. Furthermore, he has been the key consultant/architect during Sharepoint projects within the company.
At this year’s Hanoi SharePoint Day, which took place on 22/8, Thuan was the youngest speaker to deliver the topic of “Search solution in SharePoint 2013. Microsoft put this topic on the Search platform to approach building solutions with SharePoint Search. The conference was well received by its audience, because nearly 50 engineers from FPT Software and other IT companies in Hanoi attended.