Japan’s Nikkei magazine recently published a list named Asia 300 based on the business performance and results of 300 leading enterprises in Asia in 5 years. The list consists of largest and fastest-growing companies from 11 Asian countries. Nikkei magazine selected these firms based on capital size, growth potential and geographical presence increase. FPT was presented on the list together with 4 other corporations namely Vinamilk, Vingroup, Vietcombank and Petrovietnam Gas.
According to Nikkei, the total net profit of companies in the list has grown again since the global financial crisis in 2008. This is due to the proper investment for sellers, profitability and long-term effectiveness, according to economic experts from Nikkei Asia.
Topping this year’s Asia 300 is StarHub from Singapore. Asia300 annual poll by the Nikkei is considered the “thermometer” of the Asian economy, which brings together the largest and fastest-growing from 11 countries / territories.
2015 witnessed a total of 331 companies across Asia making the list, while there are only 282 presented in 2016. China, India, Korea and Taiwan continue to spread their coverage on the list with 40 names each. South East Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand have around 20 companies each, while Vietnam presented 5 companies.