In this previous article, you might catch the ideas of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has penetrated into your life and shaken the world drastically. In 2018-2019, the human world has witnesses the bloom of AI in our life as AI has been identified as one of the 10 new technology trends changing the world (Gartner, 2018). With this much resources of FPT, do you ever wonder “What can FPT Software offer to you in Artificial Intelligence?”
For Artificial Intelligence, our offering can be shown in four different areas, Natural Language Processing (NLP), User Behavior/ Prediction system, Computer vision, Advanced Analytics, which will be discussed in the next section below.
1. Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing, including Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Interaction (NLI) and Natural Language Generation (NLG), is one of the most famous form of AI. Over the past few years, FPT Software has produced, researched and developed various solutions using NLP.
For example, our Multi-language Chatbot, has been successfully developed for customers in three languages English, Japanese and Vietnamese. The platform can support more than 30 languages, provide cloud-based, customizable and automated customer care centers. The multi-language Chatbot can be integrated in different platforms, including website, Facebook, Skype or SMS, etc.
FPT Software also uses the technology to analyze contents on different levels and contexts. With Sentiment Analysis module, our products can help to analyse audience’s comment on positive, negative or neutral perspective; and to provide informative reports based on contents’ topic and attitude. The Customer 360 Solution, working the same ways, gives high level executives a 360-degree view about their companies from both internal data sources and external data sources and help them evaluate risk levels in high, medium or low from collected news.
On the other hand, Akaminds Machine Translation or akaTrans, a professional Information Technology translation software, is built to help translate specialized IT documents in Japanese and Vietnamese. Trained with data accumulated through 20 years of experience working with Japanese companies, akaTrans outperforms other solution in the same language and domain. After only one year of establishment, the software has more than 1700 users, supporting more than 150 projects with 1.4 million words translated.
NLP when combined with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) also brings various benefits to users. Our products akaDoc and akaInvoice help detect and extract characters in scanned copy or images, even for unstructured and general format documents. With akaDoc to read the documents and akaInvoice to read invoices, the products can be applied in different industries such as banking and finance, retails, insurance etc. akaDoc is expected to read all languages, all documents types with more than 99 per cent of accuracy; which will bring faster revenue, lower the operation costs for firms.
FPT Software has also successfully deployed akaBot for Banking and Finance, a RPA platform providing comprehensive solutions for automation and digitization to help businesses improve their productivity while enhancing employees and customer satisfaction. Combining RPA with advanced OCR, akaBot Agent helps automate repeated task from order receiving to process monitoring and execution. This standardized solution can be applied widely in many other industries for automated processes without causing impact on the existing system.
2. User Behavior and Prediction system
Another notable application of Artificial Intelligent is User Behavior and Prediction system. Recommendation system has become extremely popular within daily users, especially in online platform. The system helps to enhance user experience by predicting users’ needs to give them the best offers that fit their needs. The prediction system first starts off in Retail sector, in which users can find various recommended products when browsing for items in retail or e-commerce. However, in the recent years, Media sector has also taken use of the recommendation systems, for example with Netflix, YouTube, even Facebook or LinkedIn (Human in AI, 2017). FPT Software’s recommendation system supports different firms like Direct TV for the recommended films and televisions, or VnExpress – the biggest online newspaper in Vietnam – for the recommended articles, and Sendo – an emerging e-commerce platform – for the recommended products.
On the other hand, FPT have implemented a recommendation system for a Korean bank to analyze customers’ behavior and suggest what products should be advertised to each individual. Moreover, the prediction system can also be modified to support the Finance & Insurance sector with fraud detection by helping locate fraudulent insurance claims.
3. Computer vision
Computer vision focuses on the technology to enabling computers to see, identify and process image in the same way with human vision to provide a suitable ouput (Techopedia, 2019). The goal of computer vision is not only to see but also to provide useful results based on the computer’s observation.
In transportation, FPT Software’s Boat Detection system built for a large aviation firms analyses satellite images to detect the location and navigation of the boats. Computer vision are also applied in autonomous vehicles, in which the system can detect people, objects and traffic signs to navigate on the street. FPT Software is the first and only company pioneering in providing self-driving vehicles for a residential area in Vietnam.
Combining with facial recognition, computer vision supports customer care and security by detecting people and their identities, a solution that FPT Software is providing for a large construction corporation. In retail, the system is developed for FPT Shop and help detect and count numbers of people entering the shop. Moreover, it is able to track and analyze heat-map and customer behaviors to see which areas of the store attracts more customers; thus, re-organizing visual merchandise and store organization.
In healthcare, AI – powered diagnose in skincare system and detection of muscle and fat areas system are researched and developed by us, which promises a leap in AI – powered healthcare system.
4. Advanced Analytics
In recent years, with the blooming of the amounts of data and computational power, data analytics have been combined with machine learning, deep learning to assist users with a better workflow in advanced analytics.
In Human Resources, with FutureHR (also known as akaHR), our system can analyse data about human resources to investigate HR problems and optimize the HR management. This can be extended to a gigantic and multi-source Data Lake for powerful Data Mining. FutureHR is able to carry out various actions such as resource retention – predicting what employees will take leaves in the next 2 or 3 months; resource fulfilment – scanning CVs and skills; and resignation ratio analysis – predicting the possibility of employee’s return after resignation.In manufacturing, the predictive maintenance system predicts machines and robots break-down to schedule maintenance by analyzing machine running sound and maintenance history.
Final Thoughts
FPT Software has spent the last many years to investigate and developed Artificial Intelligent technology to serve only the best to our customers. Putting all the components together, FPT provides FPT.AI – a comprehensive artificial intelligence platform – to provide customers with excellent services. FPT.AI includes solutions with Conversation, Speech, Vision and Knowledge with various use cases like automated contact centers, Chatbot for enterprise and Document and ID Verification Solutions.
With diverse technology and solutions in four types: NLP, User Behavior/ Prediction system, Computer vision, Advanced Analytics and many more in researching, we will be able to support you in the road leading to the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.
Stay tuned for more industry – specific case studies in our upcoming articles in the series.
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Gartner. (2018). Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019. [online] Available at: https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2018-10-15-gartner-identifies-the-top-10-strategic-technology-trends-for-2019 [Accessed 12 Jun. 2019].
Human in AI. (2017). Understanding Recommendation Engines in AI - Humans For AI - Medium. [online] Available at: https://medium.com/@humansforai/recommendation-engines-e431b6b6b446 [Accessed 8 Jul. 2019].
Techopedia. (2019). [online] Available at: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/32309/computer-vision [Accessed 8 Jul. 2019].