It’s not difficult to realize how significantly technology advancement has transformed the life of humanity. Of all domains, medicine and health care are among those experiencing the most remarkable impacts and innovations. Technology has helped in saving many innocent lives, improving human health, and increasing the longevity.
Recent years has witnessed the rapid adoption and development of wearable technology, especially by big brand such as Apple, Omron, Samsung, Xaomi… For example, Cerebrotech Medical Systems, Inc. provides real-time assessment of brain fluid distribution for patients undergoing neurologic assessment, allowing earlier intervention to prevent further brain damage. Samsung’s engineers create a prototype for a wearable sensor capable of monitoring brainwaves for early signs of stroke. Researchers at Yonsei University, Korea develop an application that runs on a handheld device to objectify the pronator drift test and investigate its feasibility in stroke patients.
In the effort of developing an advanced technology that can contribute to the wellbeing of community, FPT Software took initial steps to build Fhealthcare ecosystem based on IoT and AI, hoping for creating a solution to the prediction of the early stroke risks and monitor of cardiovascular disease-related phenomena.
The system consists of 02 components: sensors-integrated wearable devices and the mobile and web-based application platform. The former’s function is to investigate the features of users’ cardiovascular system, collect and store data of heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation, regarded as user’s friend and private doctor, while the latter, comprising 03 groups of application, processes and transfers information. Application groups are divided based on end-users classification: USafe – designed for patients, UCare – for family members and doctors, UConnect – for hospitals and medical centers. General data on the patient, for instance, name, age, gender, occupation, medical record, health indicators, etc., can be accessed from any application, as it is stored on Fhealthcare server. However, the application’s functionalities are customized for each user group, ensuring the security and appropriateness of provided information.
Use cases
Based on data collected from wearable devices, the AI technology will synthesize, analyze, monitor, detect and predict the risks of diseases based on cardiovascular disease-related specification and generate warnings of patients’ disease characteristics to themselves, family members, or provide recommendations to doctors. Additionally, apart from PPG, ECG sensors once integrated into the device can help to measure heart features, IMU sensors can also be installed to monitor human movement while GPS will allow the system to determine user’s current location and recommend the nearest treatment center in Fhealthcare ecosystem if necessary.
USafe – the application installed on patients’ mobile does not only support users in monitoring daily activities like steps, calories and health indicators like blood sugar level, heart rates, giving instructions based on patients’ health status so they can proactively protect their wellbeing, but is also able to analyze the data, evaluate possibilities of stroke then give warnings to patients at high risk of strokes for early examination or immediately transfer patient’s dangerous situation to hospital for timely intervention and preparation. In short, once recognizing changes in users’ health, the application will perform detailed situation analysis and take further actions accordingly.
UCare, similarly, can issue warnings when detecting anomalies in patients’ clinical indicators and provide instructions to handle emergencies for family members such as first aid, hospitalization, direction to nearest hospitals, etc. Doctors can also access patients’ medical records to give treatment remotely or guide the local colleagues from a distance. Fhealthcare mechanism, therefore, is anticipated to protect doctors during the treatment of viral or bacterial infectious diseases through wearable devices and data transfer system. Besides, the application of Fhealthcare can attribute to the control of infected individuals’ movement, thereby reducing the likeliness of diseases spread and outbreak to the community.
Hospitals and medical centers at all levels, from national to communal ones, via UConnect application, are enabled to quickly conduct procedures of patients registration and receiving , as well as connect with satellite hospitals or stroke monitoring and warning centers to provide recommendations on treatment methods to minimize risks for patients.
The Fhealthcare ecosystem is expected to bring positive effects to public health and become the partner of hi-tech healthcare and smart home technology in the near future.
Interested in Digital Healthcare? Discover how FPT has been applying technology to streamline healthcare systems.