Our partner is one of the largest corporations in Japan in Financial and Capital field, especially in stock market. Our partner has to respond to hundreds of customers every day. The corporation co-operates with FPT to build a human-like chatbot which has ability to interact with customer’s enquiries.
  • To support our partner, we build an AI platform and train it based on given data. AI understands context of questions based on prior questions/interactions.
  • The Machine Learning systems continuously gets smarter as it learns from its conversations with customers.
  • FPT chatbot provides applications with a natural language interface
  • Natural and flexible for supporting multiple chat scenarios in one bot
  • Seamless conversations reduce waiting time by 0 and save workforce
  • Enhance customer‚Äôs experience
In this case, BERT solved the problems of detecting Intent and Entities of user’s sentences. Chatbot platform powered by AI List of Functions
  • Shareholder preference information and its preference expiration date consulting based on: Stock code / Stock name, Investment amount, Types of incentives, Career, The expiry date
  • Legal/ Policy/ Tax consulting
  • Shareholder incentive consulting based on: Time, Price, Type of incentives, Day, Rate of dividend preference
  • Stock trading transaction performing
  • Financial and capital market trend analyzing
Some QA statements
  • Which shareholders should invest in?
  • When to receive shareholder incentives?
  • How does the company receive shareholder incentives?What are the conditions for getting shareholder incentives?
  • What date is the last day to receive shareholder preference?

We are digitalizing the Banking & Finance industry. Checking out our Service offering for Banking & Finance here.