The customer is a global group working in consultancy, providing high-quality IT solutions to help their clients develop their global business through the integration of superior products and services. The customer is making progress in its efforts regarding the development and standardization of the Blockchain platform, the research and development of additional functions for financial institutions, and the consideration of use cases applicable to future social infrastructure. The customer’s clients located in various countries, hence the solution needs to provide high-quality services and security.
  • FPT proposes using Cordite ‚Äì the Corda-based as the Blockchain platform
  • FPT is responsible for Blockchain platform deployment.
  • FPT is in charge of building the working environment with the tokenization, transaction & balance evaluation. FPT also provides REST APIs for external integration.
  • Fast time to market.
  • Provide high-quality services to global customers.
  • Data is secured on Blockchain platform.