Our client is a large Japanese electronics manufacturer, with headquarters in Osaka. The client developed the UniPhier Audio system, which had many components. It wanted to have an IT partner to develop 3 parts of the system, including:
  • Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter device driver to send and receive messages from test tool (PC side) using UART interface.
  • PNL to transfer and processing messages between UART device driver and PIF
  • PIF to implement media functionalities of UniPher Audio System
  • It was hard for the project team to control the version because the customer sent many updated versions without any records of change. It also took a lot of time for the team to analyze bugs related to hardware and software provided by customers.
This was such a challenging project with a big client from Japan that FPT Software not only studied its client’s process and also defined the standard processes to follow. The project was divided into 2 phases:
  • In phase 1, FPT Software built the architecture and detailed design of the 3 components then developed them using tools including: MS Visual C++ 6.0 on iTRon platform.
  • In phase 2, FPT Software maintained the PC test tool (called Dummy Panel Module) in PC side provided and developed Dummy Panel Module Beta version to enhance functionalities and quality of test tool to evaluate Unipher Audio System. In addition, FPT Software maintained UARTDD + PNL in Media Module side as well as executed test cases with 55 commands (PNL commands)
Compiler, Debug Factory, uITRON kernel library and source tree, MS Visual C++ 6.0, Windows XP