AI in Healthcare:  A Transformative Force

The global healthcare sector is undergoing a significant transformation as artificial intelligence (AI) takes center stage. The AI healthcare market, currently valued at $20.9 billion, is projected to grow to a staggering $148.4 billion by 2029, boasting a CAGR of 48.1%. This rapid rise underscores AI's immense potential to reshape healthcare delivery.

Recent studies posit that AI advancements can yield substantial benefits, including:

  • Cost Reduction: Treatment costs could potentially be reduced by up to 50%.
  • Improved Health Outcomes: Patient health outcomes could demonstrably improve by 40%.
  • Reduced Medical Errors: AI-powered systems could significantly minimize human error by 86%, potentially saving over 250,000 lives annually.

Indeed, AI is emerging as an essential asset in healthcare, paving the way for a promising future where technological advancements significantly enhance societal well-being. In recognition of this potential, a strategic partnership was established in 2024 between FPT Software's Global Healthcare Center (GHC) and AI Center (AIC) with a vision to transform healthcare development through advanced AI applications. This initiative aims to leverage the potential of automating medical data analysis and expanding AI implementation to revolutionize healthcare services across the globe. By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Advanced Analytics (AA), and Cognitive Computing (CC), the partnership is geared towards innovating and delivering groundbreaking solutions that enhance productivity, quality, and cost-efficiency in the healthcare industry.

FPT Software: Championing Healthcare Innovation

Dedicated to advancing healthcare technology, FPT Software presents the second episode of our "Talk to Experts 2024" series. In this installment, our speakers, Mr. Nguyen Cong Minh -Senior Business Analyst Consultant, and Dr. Dao Huu Hung - Head of Industrial AI, will delve into the pivotal role of AI within healthcare practices.

Episode 2 Explores the Following Key Areas:

  • Identifying and addressing the current challenges and bottlenecks impeding traditional healthcare delivery systems.
  • Exploring the latest advancements in artificial intelligence applications tailored for healthcare improvement.
  • Providing a detailed overview of FPT Software's innovative services in leveraging AI to transform healthcare delivery.

FPT Software is committed to "transforming healthcare with AI-powered clinical scribe, seamless EHR system integration, adherence to protocols like DICOM and HIPAA, and upholding stringent data privacy with HITRUST certifications."

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Author Tran Diep Trinh