When agility is the key, businesses move forward quickly with the right technologies. Fortunately, low code emerges as a cutting-edge solution to help businesses easily achieve goals. With projections to reach USD 36.43 billion by 2027 [1], low code will witness upcoming trends that can drastically transform businesses. 

1. Low-code thrives despite business sizes

While big corporations still lead in low code adoption, medium and small companies also utilize low code. As these platforms become time efficient and prove their worth in the market, more large enterprises may turn to them to streamline their development processes and reduce reliance on IT departments. According to Forrester, by 2023, every software company will utilize a low-code platform [2]. This statement suggests that this low code trend will continue to grow, and this platform will become more specialized over the next few years. 

This trend is mainly attributed to organizations’ urge to adapt to time pressure. No-code, low-code platforms can be valuable tools for rapid prototyping and minimum viable products (MVP) development. Furthermore, using low-code and no-code platforms can help organizations test the feasibility of a project before committing significant resources to complete development.


2. Non-technical developers take the spotlight

Low-code, no-code platforms have a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for non-technical users to create functional prototypes and MVPs without extensive programming knowledge. Thus, non-technical employees may increasingly be empowered to build applications using no-code, low-code platforms, leading to “citizen developers” growth within organizations. According to research, by 2024, 80% of non-IT professionals will develop IT products and services, with over 65% using low-code/no-code tools [4]

Low-code tools are not only beneficial for non-technical users but also for IT teams that seek alternative methods for delivering services and products. Gartner predicts that in 2026, developers outside of traditional IT departments will make up 80% of users of low-code development tools [5]. By providing the necessary building blocks and components, low-code can reduce the burden on the limited pool of programmers and free up their time for more complex tasks. Besides, organizations are increasingly turning to low-code development technologies in response to talent shortages. Gartner expects low-code development tools to account for 75% of new application development by 2026 [3]

See how businesses are solving the IoT Talent Shortage with Low-code.


3. Integration with other technologies

As low-code development gains momentum, businesses can anticipate increasingly robust AI, ML, and IoT integrations. These integrations are already reshaping business operations and are poised to accelerate in the years ahead.

Low-code platforms offer seamless AI and ML capabilities integration, enabling businesses to automate processes, conduct advanced data analysis, and extract valuable insights from extensive datasets. This empowers organizations to easily develop AI-powered solutions like chatbots, predictive analytics applications, and recommendation engines.

Moreover, low-code platforms can seamlessly connect with IoT devices and sensors, streamlining the development of applications that capture, process, and respond to real-time data from the physical world. This versatility finds applications across various sectors. In the foreseeable future, low code will enable the creation of more sophisticated IoT applications, incorporating features such as predictive maintenance, asset tracking, and energy management.

Read our previous article on how businesses can leverage low-code with AI: Low-code, High-value: How AI is Catalyzing Low-code and No-code 


4. The right platform for the right industries 

A noteworthy trend in software development involves the emergence of no-code and low-code platforms tailored for specific industries or use cases. These specialized platforms are designed to provide industry-specific solutions, offering features and integrations that cater directly to the needs of particular sectors. 

For instance, businesses can anticipate the development of no-code and low-code platforms specifically for the healthcare industry. Such platforms might include features, including seamless integration with electronic medical records and robust tools for ensuring compliance with industry regulations. Similarly, e-commerce will benefit from low-code platforms to build e-commerce websites with tailored components such as shopping cart integration and payment gateway support.

Furthermore, it's important to note that adopting low-code and no-code solutions can reduce application development time by up to 90% [6]. As these specialized platforms continue to evolve and expand, their impact on various industries will likely become even more pronounced.


5. Less coding, more security 

Security concerns rank among the primary challenges in low-code development, and this apprehension is justified considering the evolving nature of the technology. As 25% of businesses express security concerns when dealing with low-code or no-code applications [7], low-code platforms have been engineered with an increased focus on security. 

Low-code platforms are equipped with advanced features such as multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and the adoption of secure coding practices. These built-in security measures are instrumental in mitigating potential security risks ensuring safeguarding applications and sensitive data.

Furthermore, as the adoption of low-code platforms continues to increase in volumes, there is an escalating demand for specialized security experts. These experts are critical in crafting and implementing robust security protocols, ensuring that low-code platforms align with industry-standard security practices. 


The key to future innovations

The future of low code development holds immense promise as a catalyst for business growth. By seamlessly integrating other technologies, low code empowers organizations to innovate easily. This accessibility to non-technical developers and enhanced security measures position low code as a dynamic force that can propel businesses toward success. 

Author Tuan Minh Tran