Handelsblatt Annual Energy Summit 2017
For more than 20 years now, Energy Industry conference is organized annually by Handelsblatt – German leading language business newspaper.
Last year at the conference, the renowned innovation researcher Dietmar Dahmen summed up the Energy industry’s situation: “The market is getting faster. Big companies see it as a marathon. Startups sprint. The real chance for success surely lies in the mix: sprinting a marathon. If you can do that, you’ll win!”
The conference has been all about exploring new developments for the industry and help companies stay ahead of the game. This year, emphasis will be put on the industry’s vital topic Digitalization and Modern energy industry, along with other specials such as Future Leader Program, Start-up business match, Technology shows, etc. The panel discussions, exhibition sessions and networking breaks will attain the participation of Germany’s top CIOs from Energy and Utility companies. FPT is engaging in conference as speaker and sponsor, in order to support bringing together key figures from the industry. For registration, please join us and discover ample resources at: https://veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com/energy-industry/