The client is one of the world’s leading reinsurance intermediaries and capital advisors.
  • Client wanted to rewrite an existing system which was developed in Java/SQL Server and was developed on top of AgencyPort‚Äôs framework technology, called AgencyPortal.
  • The solution was deployed since January 2010, but suffered from the following deficiencies:
    • Expensive to maintain:
      • Must pay licensing fee
      • Must lease hosting environment
      • Must pay to maintain, enhance as well as add additional lines of business
    • Not Integrated to GRiDS
      • In GRiDS Single Sign-on
      • In GRiDS Messaging
      • Developed in Java which is not supported by client‚Äôs IT team
  • Cooperated with the Client to rewrite the system as an integrated GRiDS application using staged Approach and Iterative Development process. The new system was designed to be fast, reliable, expandable and modern web-based applications. FPT was responsible for the requirement specifications, high level design, detailed design, development and testing.
  • With R&D model, the development team effectively cooperated with eachother and implemented the project in a timely manner.
  • End users were provided with a modern system that:
    • Gives fast, reliable, strong user experience
    • Covers the full product & service
    • Is built with the latest web technologies, bringing cutting-edge user interfaces
    • Is fully customizable on screen designs, items and colors
    • Has high Integration capabilities with existing systems GRiDS, GSM, RAR. GMI
    • Improves architecture and data model to facilitate reporting and auditing activities
    • Visualizes data displayed that makes user feel more comfortable using the apps and speed up their work