The customer is a top used-car dealer in Japan with over 30 years‚Äô experience in trading cars and providing car services (spare part replacement, inspection, engine warranty), both online and offline. It has over a hundred thousand of stores and showrooms nationwide, using over two hundred business systems and employing ¬†four thousand employees. The trading is executed through two channels as illustrated below.   The customer‚Äôs AMS systems were developed in various computer-programming languages (e.g. Java, C #, C ++, Cobol) and Relational Database Management Systems (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MS Access). These systems were operated by multiple vendors, including Jx, Ax and Ix. Each vendor worked separately and does not update data in real-time for others, using their own formats and business processes. If the end-user has a request involving all vendors, the processing time would be extended as he or she would have to wait for vendors to contact and transfer data for each other. When the user had a request, they needed to consider which vendor is responsible for operating it. Sometimes the vendors missed the request because it was not defined in their scope. Each year, the car dealer must pay vendors a significant amount of operational expenses. However, regular business interruptions and users‚Äô dissatisfaction have proven it was not cost-efficient to have multiple vendors running the systems. The company desires to improve the efficiency of its system operations and, within two years, transfer large systems to one single vendor who will cover 80 percent of the operation workload which equals 200 systems currently operating on a total of 140 servers. FPT assessed and researched the trading process in order to develop, reconstruct and integrate all 200 systems into one. The customer‚Äôs bulky and complex systems were transferred to the new AMS systems which is run and maintained in AWS cloud serves. In addition of designing the new systems and having it operated on cloud AWS, FPT also brought in experts to as well as to self-develop internal platforms and tools to all business operations from image processing, data entry, human resources management, accounting to outsourcing. FPT proposed an approach for system management including three stages and a clear operation plan in only 2 years: Stage 1: Preparing Stage 2: Transferring Stage 3: Taking over the system operations and continuing to optimize based on customers‚Äô demand   The large and complex systems are successfully integrated and maintained in AWS within the committed time:
  • Improved work efficiency and productivity up to 50%.
  • Cost reduction of up to 30%.
  • Constructing a 24-7 service.
  • Customers‚Äô concentration on their core business.